Friday, 11 July 2014

UNIT 29 D2 - Evaluate the risks involved in the installation or upgrade of software ad explain how the risks could be minimised - ALL ASSIGNMENTS HERE!! PASS, MERITS AND DISTINCTIONS

UNIT 29 D2 - Evaluate the risks involved in the installation or upgrade of software ad explain how the risks could be minimised

The installation or upgrade of software may become problematic if instructions are not followed to the manual or the company that released the software that wasn’t ready for the public.  In life risks can happen anywhere and with anything and with being that there could be a potential risk with an installation of a new software or upgrade may be shocking that it has the possibility of bring a company to a standstill if they were affected by it. As a customer that brought the software or upgrade, it would be up to them to be cautious of the potential risk that they should do to avoid such risks affecting their system…

The most annoying thing that could happen after the installation, is the possibility of data loss and this could happen quite frequently due to the fact of bugs within the software and or it just not being compactible with the computer system. The loss of data is a huge risk because either you a user would have to recreate  or locate the files with sentimental value and if a user couldn’t they wouldn’t have access to the files every again. A proposal would be to make backups of their important files.  With having a backup or backups will secure the fate of the user if the software were to ruin their system after the installation.  Before the internet was in everyday homes backups use to be saved on physical storage devices, but nowadays it is possible to even save backups in the cloud; there are services like google drive and SkyDrive that grants you access to store data within the cloud servers to be able to be accessed anytime and anywhere though an internet connection.

When a user first starts an installation of software, it can have compatibility issues because computer systems are being updated regularly improving how they work and adding a heavier work load to work on. As computers are being able to be upgraded with faster processing speeds, amount of ram and computers having better bench marks than ever before.  Software companies have to keep up to scratch with these improvements and use them to their advantage with their software to make it run at its best, but on the other side of the stick there is the much older systems that cannot run the software with ease which cause compatibility issues which in turn means that not all systems benefit from the upgrade or software. The annoyance of coming across Incompatibility issues is a big thing but there are ways to avoid doing that, and the ways of this is simply before purchasing is looking at the software requirements stating what hardware are needed to allow the software to run smoothly. The basic needs of software would be RAM, space and graphics.  If a user or a business waned to install some software that they had brought then realising that their computer system couldn’t handle it then all they would have to do is either grab the software equal or greater than the software requirements, making their computer system up to date and more powerful without having to fully change their systems. This method all saves money too…

Nowdays companies test out their software in a very genius ways and one of these ways are to use the same type of computers to test out how the computer works within the conditions given, seeing if it is up to scratch with the software installed and to see if any faults arise. How this works on these test computers is by emulating the companies’ computers from specs, performance and the data on them and then start the testing to see on how the computer reacts from all the stress given. It is very beneficial to have a test computer as it doesn’t affect other computers in the company and it gives a good understanding on if the software is good enough for company use…..

When it comes to installing software or an upgrade it is advised that everyone should always take precautions because some software claim to be something that they are not and these types of software normally have a virus within them to attack a user’s computer to steal their personal information. The people behind this will advertise their product in a way to lure in people with tricks of pricing and over exciting the product with so many features within the product and once it’s been downloaded then the user will go through allot of stress. The tips to take to lower the risk of this happening would be to go to established websites with names that are known to the world with the ability to be able to contact the company, making sure the software is legit, downloading the original software and not any cheap cracked ones and if you are not able to get the software needed from a known site then the best thing to do would be to always read comments, ratings and responses from other people who has downloaded the same software you want to download also. You would normally see comments stating weather the software is good or if it has a virus within it. The comments will give the user an idea to decide if they want to download the software themselves or not…..

It is important to have security software that should be installed on a computer system or server so it is able to protect computers it is connected to. When it comes to updates for security software sometimes the updates come with security flaws and with these updates a good hacker will be able to exploit this to their advantage and simple gain access to whatever they please. If a company were to include Antivirus software then they will be able to add another layer of protection because the software will fight against these threats or even stop them from coming in, with the ability of added firewall and being able to scan files that enter the system. With the ability to update the virus data base files which in turn means that it will always be ready to fight new threats making the company better off….

If a completely new software were to come out with a totally new interface, and the company is will to take to software on then the company will set up an “end of user training program” which means that they will take the time to set up classes to teach the employees on how to use the new software so the employees’ will be able to familiarise themselves with it so they will know how to use the software to its full potential and this improves the work rate and quality. On the down side to this it takes time and money to do but would be seen more as an investment to the company then a loss as they would increase profits at a later date….

The installation of a new software or upgrade will take time to do. For a flawless installation a computer system should not be in use other than the fact of the installation taking place as this would achieve a near perfect instalment and it will also be quick and efficient.  On comparison this would be allot similar to an update but if the update size of the file is big then it will take more time to download and install. You will be left with a huge paper weight while the computer is running the process of the updating instalment, so not productivity will be possible. Lessens the risk of an instalment from becoming a failure or software becoming corrupted, time should be allocated a time when the system isn’t in use.  Time should be allocated when most of the company’s employees are at home to give time for the computer to install the software or upgrade needed and lessens the likely hood of mistakes.  

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